• 2024-12-30
    各会员单位及有关企业: 国际物流与运输学会(廊坊)会议,是河北省政府与国际物流与运输学会(以下简称CILT)在“廊坊经洽会”期间打造的全球物流和供应链领域业务交流、洽商、合作的重要平台,“同一时间、同一地点、每年一届”。本届会议主题是:“数智融合驱动行业变革,降本增效实现高质量发展”,旨在促进全球物流行业“资源共享、合作共赢”。会议将邀请来自全球160多个国家的政府官员、知名专家学者和企业家代表出席会议,针对全球物流趋势研究、国际物流标准化建设,构建稳定可持续发展的全球供应链、加强国际化人才培养等议题进行深入探讨;围绕畅通国际国内双循环,构建供应链核心竞争力、助推产业升级与降本增效等核心议题,促进和加强国际合作,提升产业链韧性。 与此同时,还将进行政策宣贯、业务培训、业务洽商、参观展览以及考察交流等多维度活动,进一步探讨合作发展新机遇。现诚邀国内外物流、运输与供应链领域有合作意向的企业家,政府行业主管部门领导,业内专家学者以及企事业单位负责人参加。 有关...
  • 2024-07-15
      Driven by the dual forces of global economic integration and digital transformation, the logistics industry, as the lifeblood of international trade, is undergoing unprecedented changes and leaps. On 16th June, 2024, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport International, China Communications and Transportation Association and the UNIDO ITPO Beijing jointly released the "Global Top 50 Companies in Logistics and Transport", providing authoritative and comprehensive enterprise evaluations and in-depth industry insights for the global logistics industry and beyond. This list innovatively adopts a multidimensional, professional, and transparent evaluation system, focusing not only on the scale of enterprise revenue and profitability but also including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance in the sco...
  • 2024-06-06
    Guide of Alipay   Guide of WeChat Pay